Flow for Chains

Site transparency, quality control

Flow for Chains

Quality Control

We understand the amount of time and money that goes into running a successful chain and the importance of providing consistent and quality service. Flow makes it possible to observe coffee quality data live on multiple sites.

The data provides businesses with valuable statistics that can be used to detect the locations that need specific training and upskilling, as well as recognise those that are operating consistently.

Flow for Chains

Loyal Customers Through Consistency

Serving your customers excellent coffee creates an expectation that they will receive the same enjoyable flavour experience whenever they visit one of your outlets. If the expectation isn’t met your customer may not return and look elsewhere to satisfy their coffee craving.

When great coffee is the reason your customer chooses your chain over your competitors you need to be confident that each location is providing consistent coffee. A satisfied customer will not only be loyal to their local branch but to the chain as a whole. Flow can help you create a coffee experience your customers can rely on.

Tailor-Made Training

Understanding the unique coffee challenges that each location is facing can be difficult to manage when you can’t physically be at each site to assess staff training requirements.

Flow allows your trainers to view historic data and use this information to design a training programme specific to the needs of each site. Our data will provide you with clear results and insights into which training processes are beneficial and which are not.

Conserve Resources

It is common in the coffee industry for sales representatives to be used on a rotating cycle. By using the data created in Flow you can identify which locations are a priority for your representative to call on. Our evidence-based data will help you pinpoint locations that need the most help.

Remote Assistance

Onsite problems can be hard to diagnose remotely without the right information. We have assisted many clients through call-outs when they thought their machine wasn’t working properly. It would usually turn out to be something simple like adjusting the grinder or the incorrectly changed volumetrics.

Flow gives you the advantage to view what is happening at each store, and in many cases, equips you with the knowledge to solve the issues over the phone, saving time and money on unnecessary call-outs.

“Seeing we cover such a large geographical area, Flow has revolutionised the way we support our sites. The Clarity of flow data means we can be far more involved in providing the support each site needs, based on flow insights.”
Brian Dessaix
VP West Coast Operations & VP Coffee Bluestone Lane. USA

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